Digital Transformation Advise -- Digital Transformation for Small Vietnamese Enterprises

Digital Transformation and Future of Work

Understanding the impact of digital transformation and the landscape of the future of work

Enabling Technologies and Digital Skills

Understanding and mastering enabling technologies and preparing your digital skills

Strategy Planning, Solution Development and Execution

Develop the right strategies and solutions and implement them successfully!

Digital Transformation and Future of Work

Do we understand digital transformation and its impact? Do we see "the future of work" in our organization? Do we see the force of change?

Enabling Technologies and Digital Skills

Trained with state-of-the-art enabling technologies and digital skills for transforming your enterprises

Digital asset management

how to manage digital assets for small enterprises?

Business process management (BPM)

how to manage and automate business processes?

Robotic process automation (RPA)

how to replace routine tasks with process automation?

Multicloud services for enterprises

how small enterprises leverage many services in different clouds for their business?

Edge automation

how to automate management and operations of industrial machines with edge computing?

Modern, collaborative workspaces and Collaboration

how to create flexbile, collaborative working environments for small enterprises.

Collectives, Crowd workforce , and Task Delegation

how can small enterprises leverage collectives of frelances, crowd workflows to delegate certain types of tasks?

Strategy Planning, Solution Development and Execution

Methodologies and Problem Identification

Understand basic steps for developing the right transformation and identify transformation needs

Strategy and Solution Development

Develop suitable strategies together with solutions and planning


Execute techniques to achieve the solution in agile way

Who are experts to help you

Hong-Linh Truong

Professor and Researcher (Further information)

Thoai Nguyen

Business Analyst, Project Manager and Engineer (Further information)

Ready to get started? Contact us!